Monday, May 19, 2008

Things Have to Start Somewhere . . .

My wife, Sandi, started a blog recently to keep our family and friends informed about our lives, since we have moved several hours away from them. While I can post stuff there, one of my truest passions feels more than a little out of place . . .

I am a gamer -- a big-time gaming dork. I have been ever since my mother gave me a copy of Chutes and Ladders and my father got an Atari 2600 from someone or another. I tell my students at the beginning of each semester that I have played somewhere between five hundred and seven hundred different games during my lifetime. That is most likely a slight underestimate, but it gets the point across.

These days, my options for gaming have been more than a bit restricted. I had a regular group which got together whilst I was a graduate student, but they are now a couple of hours away, and gas prices prevent me from getting up there too often. That leaves me with my video game systems for the most part, which is more than enough to fill my time. Apart from the lack of interaction with other people, that is. I am working with a former student to assemble a gaming group here; hopefully, that will coalesce into something soon.

In a perfect world, I would be able to pick up every hot title which rolls out to market. Student loans, however, demand payment, so that is not likely to happen. I consider myself blessed when I can free up a ten-spot for an Xbox Live or Wii Shop download. My posts here will be primarily about my choices in game-related entertainment. I would write more, but I want to get some gaming in before bed. Take care.

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