Sunday, November 9, 2008

Patience Pays Off

This weekend, the demo for Mirror's Edge was finally made available to the unwashed peons who cannot or choose not to pay for Xbox Live Gold membership. I have played through it several times now, and I am still quite excited to get my hands on the finished product. As a first impression, DICE has found a way to make a first-person platformer quite viable. A statement like this sounds absurd to anyone who has experienced most of the horrific jumping puzzles which have plagued first-person games of years past, but the system in place makes things feel as natural as Altaïr's maneuvers in Assassin's Creed. Of course, this is based on a tutorial and a single segment of gameplay. Perhaps the demo level is a tightly-designed trap to dupe unsuspecting gamers into flinging sixty dollars at a subpar product. Time will tell, I suppose.

Before you make your purchase, though, I feel duty-bound to notify you that the game's perspective has the potential to make you very ill. While the camera is superior to the one from The Blair Witch Project, there is an awful lot of swaying, leaping, and somersaulting -- all viewed through the eyes of the protagonist. If your Constitution score is less than 16, Mirror's Edge might not be for you. At least, you should not be playing it without a hefty dose of motion-sickness medication.

Game well this week, and may your Runner vision lead you to your next checkpoint.

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