Thursday, September 11, 2008

B'Gosh and Begorrah!

Much to my surprise, I can actually access all our Xbox Live Arcade games again. I finally got enough time to call the support center last night, and the fellow to whom I spoke actually knew how to handle the situation. How sad is it that this amazes me, despite the thousands of people who have had this problem? If the licenses are not transferred by the time you receive your new console, you basically treat things like you had just purchased a new machine. Of course, there is a downside; the online license-switching tool says it can only be used once every twelve months. Let this be a warning if your 360 fails and you decide to upgrade to an Elite system in the same year. Beyond playing demos for Castle Crashers and Braid (yes, I played the demo again), we really have not used the thing for much since its return. Once I can acquire Too Human, though, I will most likely use the two free months of Live Gold membership to pull some online cooperative play.

I would write more, but only one colossus stands between me a game's conclusion. I ran out of time Tuesday night and must try again. I hope I can hold myself together to get back to the beast (if you have played the game, you know whereof I speak).

Game well, and may your wireless signal stay strong.

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